What should we talk about at Tony’s birthday dinner?

February 23, 2016

If you could sit down at Tony’s birthday dinner, what would you want to talk about? What skills the next generation of pastors will require ? Reaching the unreached areas of the world? The role of the Church in addressing poverty ?

Tell us !

What should we talk about at Tony’s birthday dinner? –  Use this link LINK to present your response to the Tony birthday dinner question. While you’re at it, consider making a donation in honor of Tony’s 81st birthday…we are trying to raise $8,100 in online giving as part of an $81,000 campaign to support the Campolo Scholars…that next generation of ministry leaders!


Robert Gauthier
Executive Director of Development

P.S. I hope you had a chance to read Tony’s recent letter about the Campolo Scholars. He said:

Having spent hours interviewing and mentoring them I am convinced they are the very top candidates for Christian ministry. With your help we will continue nurturing them in order to encourage their growth as dedicated followers of Christ.

Scholarships for these students are Tony’s passion. They make it possible to pursue ministry without the crippling obstacle of debt. They open the doors to a new generation of leaders for the church, people who have been prepared to face the challenges of our time.

So let’s open that door!