Campolo Scholars Fellowship with Dr. J.R. Briggs

Dr. J.R. Briggs meets with the Campolo scholars for their weekly fellowship meeting. Biography Dr. J.R. Briggs possesses four passions: Following Jesus, equipping and investing in hungry kingdom leaders, growing fruit on other people’s trees, and creating good kingdom mischief. In short,

Campolo Scholars Forum with Dr. Lindy Backues

Eastern University 1300 Eagle Road, St. Davids, PA, United States

Dr. Lindy Backues meets with the Campolo Scholars to lead their forum meeting. Biography For close to fifteen years Dr. Lindy Backues served as a professor at Eastern University in Philadelphia, with publications, writings, and public speaking events exploring the

Campolo Scholars Forum with Dr. Jodie Boyer Hatlem

Dr. Jodie Boyer Hatlem meets with the Campolo Scholars to lead their forum meeting. Biography Jodie Boyer Hatlem is a Mennonite Pastor and Adjunct Professor at North Park Theological Seminary. She has a PhD in Religious Studies from the University

Campolo Scholars Forum with M. Ashe Van Steenwyk

M. Ashe Van Steenwyk meets with the Campolo Scholars to lead their forum meeting. Biography M. Ashe Van Steenwyk is the Executive Director of the Center for Prophetic Imagination in Minneapolis. Ashe's ministry brings together the work of spiritual formation

Campolo Scholars Forum with Roy Goble

Roy Goble meets with the Campolo Scholars to lead their forum meeting. Biography An entrepreneur and real estate developer for the last 30 years, Roy Goble grew up working in his father’s junkyard, where he learned to take apart absolutely

Campolo Scholars Forum with Katie Hoyt McNabb

Katie Hoyt McNabb meets with the Campolo Scholars to lead their forum meeting. Topic: The Role of Scripture in Shaping Christian Community. Biography After graduating with a BA in Religious Studies from Yale, Katie Hoyt McNabb continued her studies at

Campolo Scholars Forum with Tony Campolo (Virtual)

The Role of the Church and Christian Academy for Intellectual, Spiritual, and Vocational Formation. Distinguished Eastern University alum and Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Dr. Tony Campolo, will share about the impact Eastern had on his intellectual, spiritual, and vocational formation

Campolo Scholars Forum with Rev. Brenda Brown-Grooms

Trauma, Empathy, Christian Community As one of the clergy and faith-leaders participating in the the prayer vigil and peaceful counter-protest at St. Paul’s Memorial Church in Charlottesville, Rev. Brown-Grooms experienced the trauma of being at the epicenter of the tragic and violent “unite the right”